
Clear movement information

Simple to use, no manuals required

Full colour screen with large text

Full Colour Touch Screen

Enjoy the benefits of a large colour touch screen.

Using ArcScorer on a tablet computer means you get a high quality and easy to use system.

Information can be displayed much more clearly which in turn reduces the chances of errors being entered or the wrong people sitting at a table.

The large screen means larger text which is much easier to read.

Clear Instructions

Using a larger screen means instructions and confirmations are straight forward.

Table movements display exactly which table to move to, if there is an orientation change, which people to expect on the next round plus which table to send the boards to.

We display their full name, not a number.


Our travellers are clear and easy to read.

After the result is agreed the results for that board are displayed.

Your club can choose whether to display the North/South percentage or to hide travellers completely.

Enter Names

ArcScorer reads your scoring program player database.

You choose whether to type the initials or player number; tap the required name from the list.

Regular Partners

When using ScoreBridge you can easily select your regular partner. Just tap their name to accept and proceed to enter the next pair.

If you are playing with somebody different then you can enter their name as normal.

Reduce Mistakes

The contract selected is displayed on the top right of the screen as you enter it.

Changing the contract, board number and result is quick and easy to do.

The large screen means that the confirmation page is clearly laid out for the opposition to check the contract and the result entered.

Any input error that is caught before you save the score removes the need for a director or scorer.

Lead Cards

Your club may wish to record the lead card. When this option is enabled, the lead card can be entered after the contract and subsquently displayed in the traveller.

Simple Setup

All you need is a laptop, a WiFi router and one tablet per table.

A laptop running ArcScorer plus a scoring program such as ScoreBridge, EBUScore or PairsScorer.
Start a game from the scoring program and ArcScorer is launched automatically.

The router provides a standard wireless network to allow the laptop to communicate with all the tablets.
No Internet connection is required so you can use this setup anywhere.

One 7'' tablet per table.
Each tablet connects to the laptop via the router. At the end of each board the information is sent to the laptop and saved into your scoring program.

Full Touch Screen Interface

A tablet offers an easy to use system and a clear view.

Fewer Mistakes

Contracts are easier to enter and confirmations are clear, reducing errors.

Enter Names

Your scoring program's player database is imported. Enter first name, last name, initials or number.


Clearly see which table to move to, if your orientation will change, where to send boards, names of players expected on the table and if you are sitting out.


Instantly check your result against others including N/S percentage.

Final Scores

Instantly view final results on the tablet removing the need for a projector or people trying to view the laptop.

Lead Card

Option to record the lead card after entering the contract.

Enter Hand Records

Not using pre-dealt hands? Enter hand records the first time the board is played.

Easy To Update

Update the software on the computer and the tablets will be automatically updated next time you use the system.

Shared Boards

Playing the boards in a different order? Not an issue! Simply choose another board when entering the contract.

No Manuals Required

Each screen is clearly laid out with hints and instructions.

Director Access, Anywhere

Access the director features from the laptop, any tablet or your smartphone.

Over Counter Hardware

Our system uses off-the-shelf hardware which means you can replace faulty or damaged hardware quickly and easily.

Explore Available Versions

Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

ArcScorer was the best decision the club has made!

The first evening went so well that the travellers have already been thrown away…!